• Health 10  Monthly Article Reviews

    Once per month, each student is responsible for reading AND summarizing an article in the Choices Magazine OR from the Teen Health and Wellness website (link below)

    Below please find the due dates that the reviews are due.  The due date information can also be found on the TEAMS page for Health.

    September 27, 2024      

    October 31, 2024        

    November 25, 2024         

    December 23, 2024     

    January 22, 2024       



    The CHOICES magazines are available in the Health room in the white milk crate. The articles from which you can read are listed at the bottom of this page, so use this sheet as a reference.  In order to receive credit for this assignment:

    • If you used a CHOICES magazine, You must return the magazine you borrowed from the classroom. 
    • You must return the assignment electronically to the TEAMS page, typed in 12 font, a summary of the article that you read, double spaced. Normal margins please.  You must have an introduction, a body, and conclusion.  It can be a half to one whole page. Please type and post it to the TEAMS page. 
    • On the top of your summary, please list your name, and the Title of the article that you read, for which you are submitting your summary.

    The Teen Health and Wellness website is also a great resource.  Here is the link: https://teenhealthandwellness.com/  You may read and summarize any health related article on this website.  

    Username:  fillmorehs

    Password: library

    You may select any article that interests you.  

    Extra credit can be received for extra articles completed.  Up to two are allowed per semester.

    CHOICE magazines options, which are magazines that are available in the classroom!  The articles listed are the ones that you can review.

    Super Germs January-15 Pg 8-13
    Inspired:Helping Orphans January-15 Pg 8-13
    Eating Disorders March-15 Pg 5-8
    Doctors Visit March-15 Pg 9-11
    Apps of hate March-15 Pg 13-17
    Inspired: Laughing thru pain March-15 Pg 19-21
    I can't put down my phone May-15 Pg 9-13
    Just one drink April-15 pg 5-9
    Broken Athletes April-15 pg 10-15
    Native Americans April-15 pg 20-22
    Dream Jobs Nov/Dec 14 pg 5-7
    Teen Depression Nov/Dec 14 pg 12-17
    Overweight- Getting healthy Nov/Dec 14 pg 21-23
    Body Bullies September-14 pg 5-7
    Teen Sleep Crisis September-14 pg 9-11
    Sugar Shocker September-14 pg 14-16
    Teen Drug Addicts October-14 pg 4-9
    Friendfluence October-14 pg 11-15
    E-Cigarettes February-15 pg 4-7
    Unbreakable/Trauma February-15 pg 9-13
    Should school start later September-18 pg 2-5
    Dude where's my homework September-18 pg 6-11
    Living with Autism September-18 pg 12-15
    Is Fortnite Ruining your Life October-18 pg. 3-5
    The Struggle is Real October-18 pg 7-9
    Dealing with Death October-18 pg. 10-15
    Energy Drinks Nov/Dec 18 pg. 3-5
    Well this is awkward Nov/Dec 18 pg. 7-11
    Living with OCD Nov/Dec 18 pg. 13-15
    She's America's Future Nov/Dec 18 pg 17-21
    Facing Down Danger Jan-19 pg. 6-9
    How to break bad habits Jan-19 pg. 10-13
    Teen Caregivers Jan-19 pg. 16-21
    Bake Sale gone wild Feb-19 pg. 6-9
    Finding home Feb-19 pg. 14-19
    Community Service Mar-19 pg. 3-5
    Sugar Nutrition Mar-19 pg. 10-15
    Could you do this Mar-19 pg. 18-21