Business - Mrs. Ellsworth
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- HS Business Teacher
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- Class Syllabus
Accounting Class
- February Accounting
- January Accounting
- Accounting Ch. 5 - Posting from a General Journal to a General Ledger
- Accounting Ch. 4 - Recording Transactions in a General Journal
- Accounting Ch. 3 - Analyzing Transactions Into Debit & Credit Parts
- Accounting Ch. 2 - Changes that Affect Owner's Equity
- Accounting Ch. 1 - Starting a Proprietorship
- Business Law Class
- Computer 8 Class
- Entrepreneurship Class
- Introduction to Business Class
- Marketing Class
- Electronic Dictionary
- Extra Credit Policy
- Interest Inventories
- Safe Driving
- Writing a Resume
- Typing
- Fillmore Central School
- HS Business Teacher
High School Business
Classes Taught
Mrs. Ellsworth
Room C213Accounting is a full-year class. It will cover the accounting cycle and provide each student with working knowledge and an understanding of double-entry bookkeeping. In this class, students will complete basic financial transactions and develop financial statements. This will be done by using both manual and computerized accounting systems. Students will complete various activities in class using their working papers (manual system) and will then be taught how to use basic accounting software to input this data into the computer. They will also be taught how to use electronic spreadsheet software (MS Excel) and how to apply it to the world of finance.Business Communications is a half-year class. The skill of proper touch-typing is required in this course; therefore, it is a good idea to have taken a Keyboarding class prior to taking this class. Business Communications requires the basic ability to use the personal computer. Students will use typing software to practice and build their typing skills. They will also be taught how to use other types of computer software such as Office 365 to assist them in document creation. In this class, students will be required to format and type documents, read and discuss assignments, participate in class activities and discussions, etc. Class discussions and activities will focus on real-life communication in the business world. In this class, students will be assigned an email account and be instructed on how to use it properly for class assignments.Business Entrepreneurship is a full-year class. It guides students through the steps it takes to initiate, manage, and sustain a business idea. It helps students recognize entrepreneurial traits and progress to complex ideas of how innovation kickstarts entrepreneurial ventures. Along the way, students will immerse themselves in topics of financial accounting, business ethics, marketing, and product planning. While in this class, students will be given the opportunity to become a true entrepreneur. The ultimate goal of this course is for students to design, develop and market a product to be sold to the public. Time for production of their chosen product will be provided in class; however, some outside of class time may also be required.Business Law is a full-year class. This class focuses on the substance and the process of our legal system and its relationship to present social and ethical issues. In addition, the course has great practical value, providing background for professional explorations and illuminating the problems of private life. At the end of this class, students will not only have improved academic knowledge of the law, but also gain insight and appreciation for the legal system.Computer 8 is a half-year class. Each 8th grade student will take this class for 20 weeks. Students will learn topics such as ethical and safe use of the Internet, Internet Literacy, Keyboarding, Office 365, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Excel and Email. Many activities will be completed throughout the class, which will include various types of computer technology.Introduction to Business is a full-year class. It presents broad-based business knowledge and skills that every worker should know. Throughout this class, students will learn about all aspects of industry. Many activities will be done using Office 365 and the Internet.Keyboarding is a half-year introductory touch-typing class. It is designed to develop alphabetic and numeric keyboarding skills. Students will use Edutyping typing software to learn and practice their touch-typing skill. They will be taught how to use the personal computer and word processing software (MS Word) to type and format all necessary documents. This course will emphasize proofreading, accuracy and speed. Basic forms of written correspondence will also be covered.Principles of Marketing is a full-year class. It introduces students to the important role that marketing plays in our economic system. Content revolves around the basic marketing functions of financing, risk management, selling, promotion, pricing, purchasing, marketing information management, product/service/idea planning and distribution Although students are given the opportunity to refine entry-level employment skills, the course focuses on more advanced career-sustaining skills associated with employment in various marketing sub systems.