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Fillmore Central School
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Staff Directory
School Offices
Board of Education
Mission and Vision
Business Office
District Policies
Title IX Information
2024-2025 Calendar
Curriculum & Instruction
Special Education & Pupil Services
Food Service
Guidance Office
Health Office
Technology Department
Elementary Specials
Teacher Pages
School Supply List
PreK-6 Office
Elementary Classrooms
1st Grade, Mrs. Pastorius
1st Grade, Ms. Gildemeister
1st Grade, Mrs. Behen & Mrs. Farrington
2nd Grade, Mrs. C. Smith
2nd Grade, Mrs. Chamberlain
2nd Grade, Miss Jones & Mrs. Davis
3rd Grade, Ms. Fowler
3rd Grade, Mrs. Marriott & Mrs. Salzler
3rd Grade, Mrs. Chaddock
4th Grade, Mrs. Austin
4th Grade, Mrs. Bates
4th Grade, Mrs. Swift
Art, Mrs. M. Davis
Intervention, Mrs. Bentley
Intervention, Mrs. Hint
Kindergarten, Mrs. Asberry
Kindergarten, Mrs. Beardsley
Kingergarten, Mrs. Tanner
Library, Mrs. Sanasith
Ms. Harrington's Classroom
Music (Vocal), Mr. Banks
Phys Ed. , Mr. Beardsley
Phys Ed. , Mr. Parks
Phys Ed. , Mrs. Mancuso
Pre-Kindergarten, Mrs. Sisson
Pre-Kindergarten, Mrs. Campbell
Special Education, Ms. Marsh
Speech, Mrs. Hamm & Mrs. Pomeroy
STEAM, Mrs. Miller
Intervention (Math), Mr. Fuller
Occupational Therapy- Mrs. Duvall
Middle School
Teacher Pages
School Supply Lists
Handbook/Code of Conduct
5th-6th Grade
7th-8th Grade
PK-6 Office
7-12 Office
M.S. Classrooms
ELA - Mrs. Rookey
ELA - Mrs. Reed
Family and Consumer Science (FACS) - Ms. Chiu
Health (8th grade) - Ms. Chiu
Math - Mr. Wolfer
Math - Ms. Colombo
Math - Ms. Coloney
Music - (Vocal) Mr. Banks
Music - (Instrumental) Mrs. Chapman
Reading- Mr. Hotchkiss
Science - Mrs. Glasner
Science - Mrs. Garrison
Social Studies - Mr. Kelley
Social Studies - Mr. Tucker
Spanish - Mrs. Kelley
Special Education - Mrs. Findlay
Business - Mrs. Ellsworth
Art, Ms. Brown
ELA - Mrs. Lundeen
Special Education - Miss Duryea
Library - Mrs. Sanasith
Special Education- Mrs. Beardsley
Agriculture/ CTE Tech 8- Miss Haggerty
Occupational Therapy- Mrs. Duvall
High School
Teacher Pages
MS/HS Student Handbook/Code of Conduct
7, 8, and 9th Grade Homework Page
7-12 Office
H.S. Classrooms
Agriculture- Ms. Haggerty
Art - Ms. Brown
Business - Mrs. Ellsworth
English - Mrs. Tucker
English - Ms. Belcer
Health - Ms. Chiu
Math - Mr. Crouch
Math - Mr. Vosburg
Math - Mr. Wolfer
Music - (Instrumental) Mrs. Chapman
Music - (Vocal) Mr. Banks
Phys Ed. - Mr. Parks
Phys Ed. - Mrs. Mancuso
Special Education- Miss Howland
Science - Mr. Vosburg
Science - Mr. Witkowski
Science - Mrs. Coon
Social Studies - Mr. Mast
Spanish - Mrs. Thompson
Math - Mr. Hess
Library - Mrs. Sanasith
Social Studies- Ms. Guild
Special Education-Mrs. Geertman
English/ Literacy- Mr. Scott
FCS Athletics (Archived)
Athletic Policy 2024-2025
Athletic Schedules 2024-2025
Registration Form 2024-2025
Weight Room
Extra Curricular
High School Student Council
Fillmore Music Department
Fillmore FFA
Fillmore Robotics
Fillmore Trap Team
People Promoting Peace
Reality Check
After School Program
Fillmore Representatives of Giving Selflessly (FROGS)
Students Resources
Teacher & Staff Resources
Science - Mrs. Glasner
Page Navigation
Mrs. Glasner
Homework and Grading Policies
Escape Room Links
7th grade powerpoints
8th grade powerpoints
7th grade webpages
8th grade webpages
Forms 7th
Forms 8th
Legends of Learning
scooby doo videos
Foss web
Lab Report
Free Text to Speech Tool (Reader)
Calm App
Study Stack Flashcards
Mrs.Wagners Moodle Review Flashcard Page
online textbooks
7th grade printable life science text book
7th grade online textbook read aloud
8th grade text book printable
8th grade text read aloud
Parent Pages
7th Grade Stem Packets
7th grade worksheets
7th Grade Simulations & Interactive Labs
Review Games 7th Grade
8th Grade Stem Packets
8th grade worksheets
Review Games 8th Grade
Web Pages
You tube videos
Then Unknown World Video Extra Credit
alien key
Shark Key
Alien key pic
Cells project Midterm
volcano project
Paper roller coaster videos and tutorials for Midterm projecet
Caves Virtual Fieldtrip
Mars Challenger Center Vidoes
Comet Mission Challenger Center
Mars Challenger Activity Doc Who will Go?
Choose the Crew
Fillmore Central School
7th grade online textbook read aloud
audio books
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