- Fillmore Central School
- Technology Authorized Usage Policy (AUP)
Policy #7315 Students
The Board of Education will provide access to various computerized information resources through the District's computer system consisting of software, hardware, computer networks and electronic communications systems to support learning and enhance instruction. This will include access to electronic mail and the Internet. All use of technology, including independent use off school premises, shall be subject to this policy and accompanying regulations. Further, all such use must be in support of education and or research and consistent with the goals and purposes of the School District.
Access to Inappropriate content / Material and Use of Personal Technology or Electronic Devices
This policy is intended to establish general guidelines for the acceptable student use of district technology. While the district cannot screen or review all of the available content or materials on these external computer networks, some of the available content or materials on the computer devices may be deemed unsuitable for student use and parent/guardian supervision is required.
Despite the existence of a district filtering system, policy, regulations and guidelines, it is virtually impossible to completely prevent access to content or material that may be considered inappropriate for students. Students may have the ability to access such content or material from their home, other locations off school premises and/or with a student's own personal technology or electronic device on school grounds or at school events. Parents and guardians must be willing to establish boundaries and standards for the appropriate and acceptable use of technology and communicate these boundaries and standards to their children. The appropriate/acceptable use standards outlined in this policy apply to the students' use of technology via district devices or any other electronic media or communications, including by means of the students' own personal technology or electronic device on school grounds or at school events.
Standards of Acceptable and Ethical Use
Generally, the same standards of acceptable student conduct which apply to any school activity shall apply to use of district technology devices. This policy does not attempt to articulate all required and/or acceptable uses of the district devices; nor is it the intention of this policy to define all inappropriate usage. Administrative regulations will further define general guidelines of appropriate student conduct and use as well as proscribed behavior.
District students shall also adhere to the laws, policies and rules governing computers including, but not limited to, copyright laws, rights of software publishers, license agreements, and student rights of privacy created by federal and state law.
Students will respect materials and resources of Internet accounts. Students will not send or receive offensive material over the Internet. Students will not use obscene, offensive, harassing, insulting or otherwise abusive language over the Internet or on e-mail, through cyberbullying. Students will respect the privacy of others and self by keeping passwords confidential and not trespassing into another's folders, work or files. Inadvertent inappropriate access shall be reported immediately to school administration.
Students who engage in unacceptable use may be restricted access to the technological devices owned by the district or be subject to further discipline under the District's school conduct and discipline policy and the Fillmore School District Code of Conduct. The Fillmore School District reserves the right to pursue legal action against a student who willfully, maliciously or unlawfully damages or destroys property of the District. Further, the District may bring suit in civil court against the parents/guardians of any student who willfully, maliciously or unlawfully damages or destroys District property pursuant to General Obligations Law Section 3-112. Actions may include the following but are not limited to:
- Students could be banned from access to specific technological equipment or facilities for a period of time
- Students could be required to make full financial restitution
- Students could be restricted from using technological devices
- Users could lose Internet account privileges
- Suspension, detention or even expulsion are possible outcomes of severe violations
- Users could face prosecution if criminal activity is involved
Student data files and other electronic storage areas will be treated like school lockers. This means that such areas shall be considered to be property of the Fillmore School District, subject to control and inspection. The computer coordinator may access all such files and communications without prior notice to ensure system integrity and that users are complying with the requirements of this policy and accompanying regulations. Students should not expect that information stored on the district technological device will be private.
The District's Acceptable Use Policy and Regulations will be disseminated to parents and students in order to provide notice of the school's requirements, expectations, and students' obligations when accessing district owned technological devices.
Regulations will be established as necessary to implement the terms of this policy.
NOTE: Refer also to Policy #8271 Internet Safety/Internet Content Filtering Policy and District Code of Conduct on School Property
Adopted: 6/19/14
Revised: 2/15/18